Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam

Every Sunday I am entertained by a group of 3 year olds for 2 hours. My Sunbeams have LOTS of energy, but say the craziest things that makes it all worth it. This week we learned why Jesus loves us. They had to stand in front of the class and hold a picture of Christ while they finished my sentence. These were my most favorite responses:

Jesus loves me, because "He gives me stuffed animals."

Jesus loves me, because "my sister's tooth is wiggly, but the tooth fairy hasn't come yet, because it didn't fall out."

Jesus loves me, because "He builds me things with legos."

Oh to be 3 again!


  1. Love it! Ha. I teach Sunbeams too. Too bad we're not in the same ward so we could teach together! They are so funny. I'm pretty sure they're not getting anything out of the "lesson".

  2. I am guessing that Skylar's was the one about the tooth. Glad you are surviving those little stinkers!! Skylar loooooooooves you!!

  3. Cutie little kids. I can't wait to have some...but yet I can. I'll just teach them first. :)

  4. Please tell me you remember Adam Howard and his famous Primary talk. The only thing I could understand out of the whole talk was Chuck E Cheese. That's so cute that you're teaching the Sunbeams. I wish I could just watch the whole thing. It's got to be entertaining. You're obnoxious!

  5. Marleah, you are such a great teacher to them! They all love you. I am so glad we have you in Primary. (I know when you're first married, that isn't always where you want to be) I'm also glad I found your blog off of Brooke's! :)
